Top 5 Most Popular Social Media In China

Every country has their own online marketing strategies in place when it comes to social media. When one looks at China each business has their own preference when using social media platforms. Furthermore, if you want to reach the increasingly important Chinese market, you need to know which social media platform they are using the most.

Here is the top 5 most popular Social Median in China and growing fast:

china social media

1. One Billion Active Users – TENCENT QQ

TENCENT QQ is one of the main Asian social media platforms with the largest user base one billion to be exact and growing every month. More than 210 million users had already connected to this online marketing landscape in 2014. So what makes this platform different from others?

The QQ platform coordinates the instant messaging they use with other online services and has some popular aspects in places such as games, online payment, blogs, email, and microblogs. Both a mobile device and desktop messaging provider make sending messages with this very popular platform.

You will find different types of brands using this landscape from local to international brands from different sectors. Popular brands such as Chinese Apple use it to launch their exclusive sales on it. Why should you use it – you can do your email marketing through it. You can share your important SEO marketing and brand through it to interested groups and even your social graph data, allowing your services influence follower networks and fans.

2. Direct Communication With Consumers – SINA WEIBO

Now if you want to target the largest number of public figures, celebrities, companies, and organisations with direct communication forget about twitter SINA WEIBO is the way to go. This platform is so great that it has created an ultimate space for debate and chat in the Chinese society.

Even the local government, official divisions, and the police have all created their own accounts on WEIBO to communicate with the Chinese public and receive feedback. A microblogging hemisphere offers all with long form posting of up to 10,000 characters that twitter still needs to figure out.

It has customisation features as changing your font style and the size, you can share your videos, and multiple images simultaneously, do file share and compose polls – using MP3, PDF, and DMG. All businesses globally using social media marketing should have an account with SINA WEIBO.

On the landscape, you will find many famous football superstars as the ever popular David Beckham has more than millions of followers with them. Use it to trigger and increase your e-commerce site or marketing your services and products. You will find from fashion brands to Environmental organisations on this platform.

3. Great for Reviews – DOUBAN

Testimonials on service and products influence the Chinese consumers. If you have a brand, you want to sell this review, based social platform DOUBAN is the place to be. Here users share their thoughts and opinions on films, books, event, music, and culture. A platform centred on expressing oneself and your lifestyle.

There is no need of registering an account if you want to use this site and you will find creative industries to luxury brands on this social platform. If you take Montblanc, a German manufacturer who makes watches, leather goods, and jewellery they have had more than 400 hundred thousand visits to their page.

Here word of mouth marketing is important when it comes to reviews and ratings. When it comes to online and offline marketing you can create events based on the user’s interests, as they get involved in discussion groups building a fan base and inviting other users at the same time.

It gives users and businesses immediate interaction with consumers on owned brand pages and discussion pages.

4. The Facebook of China – TENCENT RENREN

TENCENT RENREN is not the Facebook of China for nothing. A classic social media platform has over 150 million users a month. It was one of the first social networking services registered in China. However, as it is struggling to capitalise it is becoming more of a portal for gaming.

This social media platform has a specific audience based on students and very popular amongst them. There are not that many newcomers to the platform based on big brands but Budweiser and Coca-Cola. You can use this platform as an advertising plan to get your services and brands out there, as it delivers an effective message directly to the people.

There are many ways you can use this platform to your advantage as you can create interactive games with online promotions. Through this manner, users play the games, earning points that they can redeem on your products and services.

5. Surpassing all Social Platforms – WECHAT

Now if you are a Sydney Web marketing expert WECHAT is one place that has surpassed all the simple functions of communication. The Chinese community uses this social media platform for tables, booking flights, making investments, shopping, doing taxes, and transferring money.

Use this platform as it has the goal of connecting everything everywhere around the world. In China, alone this platform reached more than 8 billion of users and reached more transactions online that PayPal had reached in 2015. It is an e-commerce landscape with instant messaging.

The audience using WECHAT enjoys engaging and getting involved in application-based activities such as shopping through the platform. Here you will find many international brands from different sectors such as Mercedes-Benz, Tiffany & Co and Coca-Cola.

You can set up your own HTML5 mini sites use the Loyalty Card process with the CRM tool found within the app and use it for influence marketing.

Final Thoughts

If you are a marketer and would like to engage with the Chinese community in social media marketing, take your time and understand about how their 5 most popular networks work. The Chinese social media marketing is the same in many viewpoints to other platforms around the world. Share your interest and content and build credibility with your brand by marketing on these well-known social media landscapes. Start engaging with your prospective Chinese clients today!

Author Bio:
Kai is a Digital Marketing strategist at SEO company Sydney. Along with holding a master degree in Engineering, he has been working in the field of marketing and communications for over Seven years and developed strong knowledge and skills in Online Marketing and Public Relations and also writing journal articles and blogs.

3 Responses

  1. alex says:

    This person know nothing about social media in China , tencent Renren what is that ?
    She give figures of 2015

  2. Chris Knaggs says:

    How do I get into Face Book in China or WeChat

  3. shane says:

    I choose the best one is facebook, asia is the most used it…

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