Top 20 Ancient Chinese Inventions

Ancient China held leading positions in many fields in studying nature in the world. Besides the four great inventions : paper-making, printing, gunpowder and the compass, Ancient China contributed countless other inventions to the world, How many other Chinese creations do you know? Below is a list of the 20 inventions created by ancient Chinese and some may surprise you. 

 1. Paper Making  (105 A.C)

The invention of the paper greatly affects human history. Paper already existed in China since 105 A.C, however, a eunuch named Cai Lun (ca. 50 AD – 121) made significant innovation and helped make widespread adoption. His advanced paper-making technology then spread to central Asia and the world through the Silk Road.

2. Movable Type Printing  (960-1279 AD)

Woodblock printing was already a widely used technique in the Tang Dynasty(618 to 906 A.D). However, this kind of printing tech was expensive and time-consuming. Until the Song Dynasty (960-1279), a man named Bi Sheng (990–1051) invented movable type printing, making it quicker and easier. He first carved individual characters on pieces of clay and then harden them with fire. These movable type pieces were later glued to an iron plate to print a page and then broken up and redistributed for another page. This kind of printing tech rapidly spread across the Europe, leading up to the Renaissance, and later all around the world.

3. Gunpowder (1000 A.D)

Gunpowder was invented by Chinese Taoist alchemists at about 1000 A.D. when they tried to find a potion to gain human immortality by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It is generally believed that gunpowder spread to Europe during the Mongol expansion of 1200-1300 A.D.. The interesting fact is that Chinese used this discovery mainly for firecrackers while Europeans created cannons and guns and dominated China in the mid-1800s.

4. Compass (1100 A.D.)

A compass is a navigational instrument that shows directions. The compass was invented by Chinese between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD. It was first used in Feng Shui, the layout of buildings. By 1000 AD, navigational compasses were commonly used on Chinese ships, enabling them to navigate. Arab traders sailing to China might learned of the the tech and brought it to the West, and this became an very important factor of the success of Age of Discovery.

5. Alcohol  About (2000 BC-1600 BC)

The inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula were widely believed to be the first brewers. However, in 2013, a 9000-year-old pottery found in Henan province revealed the presence of alcohol, 1000 years before Arabian. Alcohol is known as Jiu in Chinese and is often used as a spiritual offerings to the Heaven and the Earth or ancestors in ancient China. Study shows that beer with an alcoholic content of 4% to 5% was widely consumed in ancient China and was even mentioned on oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC–1046 BC).

6. Mechanical Clock  (725 A.D.)

The world’s first mechanical clock Water-driven Spherical Birds – was invented by Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk in 725 A.D.. It was operated by dripping water which powered a wheel that made one revolution in 24 hours. Hundreds of years later, the inventor Su Song developed a more sophisticated clock called the Cosmic Empire in 1092, 200 years earlier than the mechanical clock was created in Europe.

7. Tea Production   (2,737 BC)

According to old Chinese legend, tea was first discovered by Shennong, Chinese Father of Agriculture, around 2,737 BC. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907) tea became a popular drink enjoyed by all social classes. Cha Jing (or The Book of Tea), written by Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty, explicated ways to cultivate tea, tea drinking and different classifications of tea in details. The book is considered as the world’s first monograph about tea. And the world’s oldest and largest living tea tree can be found in Lin Cang, China, about  3,200 years old.

8. Silk  About 6,000 years ago

Silk, one of the oldest fibers, originated in China as early as 6,000 years ago. The earliest evidence of silk was discovered at Yangshao culture site in Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province, China. where a silk cocoon was found cut in half, dating back to between 4000 and 3000 BC. Chinese people mastered sophisticated silk weaving tech and closely guarded secret, and the West had to pay gold of the same weight for the silks. In ancient times the silk was a very important item made in China and for many centuries businessmen  transported this precious item from China to the West, forming the famous Silk Road.

9. Umbrella (1,700 years ago)

The inventions of umbrella can be traced back as early as 3500 years ago in China. Legend has it, Lu Ban, a Chinese carpenter and inventor created the first umbrella. Inspired by children using lotus leaves as rain shelter, he created umbrella by making a flexible framework covered by a cloth.

10. Acupuncture (2300 years ago)

The oldest Chinese medicine book “Neijing”, also known as “The Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor”,  shows that acupuncture was widely used as a therapy in China much before the time it was written. Besides, various kinds of acupuncture needles were discovered in the tomb of Prince Liu Sheng who died around 200 B.C. This is a further proof that acupuncture were already in use in China more than two thousand years ago

11. Iron smelting (1050 BC-256 BC)

Archaeological evidence revealed that iron smelting technology was developed in China as early as 5th century BC in the Zhou Dynasty (1050 BC-256 BC). During The Spring & Autumn and Warring States periods (776-221 BC) China went into a flourishing period for iron smelting. In the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD) central government monopolized the iron smelting, seeing remarkable development.

12. Porcelain  (581 – 618 AD)

Porcelain is a great invention of ancient China. The earliest porcelain emerged in Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BCE) and matured during the Tang Dynasty (618-906). During the Song Dynasty (960–1279), porcelain production technology reached an unprecedented height due to its focus on shape and the tactile experiences of the glaze. Chinese porcelain was highly prized in the world and many artworks had been introduced to the West through the Silk Road.

13. Earthquake Detector (132 A D)

According to court records of the later Han Dynasty, a seismograph was created by the brilliant inventor Zhang Heng (78-140 AD) in 132 AD. Its function is to determine the direction of an earthquake. In 138 AD, this instrument indicated an earthquake occurring in Longxi a thousand kilometers away. It was the first time that mankind to detect an earthquake. Modern seismographs only began development in 1848 in Europe.

14. Rocket  (228 A. D.)

China is hometown of rockets, ancient Chinese inventors created rockets by applying counter-force produced by ignited gunpowder.  According to history, in 228 A.D. the Wei State already used torches attached to arrows to guard Chencang against the invading troops of the Shu State. Later the Song Dynasty (960-1279) had adapted gunpowder to make rockets. A paper tube stuffed with gunpowder was attached to an arrow which can be launched by a bow. This kind of ancient rockets and improved ones were widely used in military and entertainment activities in China.

15. Bronze  (1700 B.C.)

The skill of produce bronze was mastered by ancient Chinese by 1700 B.C. The Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 B.C.) and Zhou dynasties (1046-256 BC) brought China into the Bronze Age and the making of bronze wares reached its peak in this period. Bronze was mainly used to make weapons, bronze tools and ritual vessels at that time. Compared to counterparts in other regions of the world, the Chinese bronze wares stand out for their inscriptions and delicate decorative patterns.

16. The Kite (About 3, 000 years ago)

The kite was developed around 3,000 years ago by ancient Chinese. The earliest kites were made of wood, called Muyuan (wooden kite). In early times kites were mainly used for military purposes such as sending a message, measuring distances, testing the wind and signalling. Over time kite flying developed into playthings and kite flying is now enjoyed worldwide.

 17. The Seed Drill  (3500 years ago)

The seed drill is a device that plants the seed into soil at a uniform depth and covers it. If without this device farmers had to plant the seeds by hand, resulting in waste and uneven growth. According to records, the Chinese using of seed drills can be dated back to the 2nd Century BC. The device made farmers’ job easier and highly improved the agricultural output in China.

18. Row Crop Farming (6 Century BC)

row farming china techIn other parts of the world, farmers still scattered seed onto the fields randomly. While ancient Chinese started planting crops in rows from the 6th century BC. They planted individual seeds in rows, thus reducing seed loss and making crops grow faster and stronger. This technology was not used in the western world until 2200 years later.

19. Toothbrush (1498 in China)

The bristle toothbrush was invented in 1498 by Chinese who made toothbrushes with coarse horse hairs attached to bone or bamboo handles. It was later brought to the new world by Europeans.

20. Paper Money (9th century A.D.)

Paper money were first developed by the ancient Chinese, who started using folding money at the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century AD. Paper bills  were originally used as privately issued bills of credit or exchange notes. A merchant could deposit his cash in the capital, receiving a paper “exchange certificate” which he could exchange for metal coins in other cities.

Actually Chinese are responsible for countless inventions that have helped shape the world history. Without these inventions by the ancient Chinese, the humankind would have taken more centuries to develop to the current phase. Do you know any other influential Chinese inventions? Please share with us by adding comments below.

166 Responses

  1. I am noah zhang bc i am cool

  2. That One Girl says:

    Some of these comments were made in 2016… I remember those days…

  3. skibi says:

    i hate ching chongs

  4. matt says:

    chinese be dumb

  5. (꒪⌓꒪) says:

    bro why tf are people arguing about coronavirus on a Chinese inventions website

  6. Ur Mother says:

    these comments tho…
    they are keeping me alive in my hass class
    lol. keep up the beef and to those who were racist shit holes get fucked

  7. . says:

    bro why are there so much bots arguing.

  8. bbeeez says:

    Cheese and taco

  9. Home says:

    It is just a PDF version of the website

  10. Gay says:

    Where is the Chinese ball torture machine????

  11. SaucyNinjaYT says:

    and also sub to them

  12. ..... says:

    Ummmmmm…. I think this is either plagiarism or someone has plagiarised this site, as this is exactly the same:

  13. (╬▔皿▔)凸 says:

    They did not invent Coronavirus. As it did not come from a lab or something

  14. Chloe says:

    They also invented Coronavirus. XD not trying 2 b rude or anythng

  15. Sakura Haruno Uchiha says:

    Uhhh— cool? I guess? Idk what to say I just commented cuz i was bored. xD
    (also sakura has the 100 healings and is NOT useless, ty very much. She has plenty of power, is strong and has 2 chakra natures…. what makes her useless sometimes is the fact that she DOESNT know what to do with that power. I luv the SasuSaku ship btw!)

    • Sakura Haruno Uchiha says:

      I think that chinese inventions were very creative! It’s amazing to just COME UP with these ideas. They must have taken a lot of careful planning.

    • randon dude says:

      this is for education not for naruto stuff

    • annonomus says:

      sakura is rude and annoying… naruto has saved her many of times and she has repayed him by smacking and yelling at him, not to mention sasuke only married her to repopulate his clan because he hated sakura.
      sakura also had the audacity to basically tell naruto to frick off when he was in the squad 7, she really only cared about naruto when sasuke showed affection to him. sakura is toxic

  16. Donna Vaughn says:

    I’ve always been attracted to chinese and japanese and korean civilizations and it seems that the royal court had astrologers that could actually make some some things happens, so that they gained such favor with the court, so basically they ruled with their court tricks based on knowledge of physics. All asians came from one place at one time and their intelligence and ingenuity is not matched by any other group, including the egyptians who built magificent pyramids and who we’ve lost the ability to under all of their writing on stone, so it seems the asians outshine them. Then with south america and the pyramids there, they have built things and developed calendars like no one else. But I still give it to asians.

    • Ben Stevens says:

      Hi, just to let you know i just found out the Egyptian pyramid were built by Chinese civilisation

      • karshmello says:

        no really

      • SKW says:

        Visit the terracotta army museum in Xian, China. There are a lot of inventions then I.e. more than 2,000 years ago. If I’m not wrong the Chinese already knew how to chrome metal swords, spears and etc; wore shoes with non-slipped sole; standardised axle length; standardised weighing system.
        Ancient Chinese knew about calculus, mathematics, abacus, astronomy, lunar calendar (very accurate), occurrence of eclipse where it is used in wars, water-wheels for irrigation was used long ago, and I believe there are much more….. Probably the origin of soccer and golf too.
        Go visit some of the historical burial grounds or chambers, one will find lots of intriguing stuffs there.

    • Ho Li Fuq says:

      The Chinese are shit they invented basic stuff, and even then the people you see today aren’t the original Chinese; just a bunch of communist rape babies who got conquered a bunch of times. But they’re the middle kingdom right?

      • Ho Li Fuq says:

        OK then make an earthquake detector without using electricity.

      • Gene says:

        your obviously an ignorant individual, to say something so obviously stupid means you are either a racist or just a moron. Chinese people from the ancient world and those living today are the same genetic people easily proven by genetic testing and DNA. Before you spout your racist drivel again try and use your brain, if you indeed have one. I suspect you are the product of inbreeding in your family

        • Elimon says:

          I love most the Art of war,I heard Chinese sailors reached the chores of East Africa before the Europeans…I love Chinese

      • Gene says:

        your racism and stupidity jump out at any reader as they read your mindless drivel. The ancient chinese and those living today are the same people genetically and historically. I think you must be the product of years of inbreeding in your family. I hope that family tradition ends with you

      • (╬▔皿▔)凸 says:

        You are so ignorant. I bet most of your stuff is made in China. Plus, how are they so rich?

      • (╬▔皿▔)凸 says:

        ok how did they make the first mechanical clock then?

      • Lauren says:

        I’m literally here trying to do a report for some stupid school thing, yet I’m here having to read some shitty racist comments from people who don’t know any better. I’m in seventh grade, yet I know when to tell someone who’s probably double my age, to grow the fuck up.

      • Anonymous says:

        yeah, right. totally
        use your nonexistent brain if you can so that you can stop spouting racist bs out of that f***ing hole in your face

      • matt says:

        Basic is not the right word because for their time that was like being
        Elon Musk you ignorant bastard. Also I am doing a history paper and i was reading these comments to learn more and your racist ass has to comment some bs like that. This is why people like me are losing hope in society and people in general.

      • Landon says:

        Im edging to this right now

  17. Anna Maria DE LECAROS says:

    Sorry I forgot something really important:
    The Chinese wrote the first “Code of Manners”:
    It is true that the Italians invented the fork in 1,535 but the Chinese cooks chopped the food in mouthful pieces.
    The people will grab it with the “chop sticks” who is an extension of the fingers.
    NEVER touch Food with bearer FINGERS.
    Note that until now in many asean countries still eat with bare hands.

    • Paul Hercules Smith says:

      First to create fast food and dining out (restaurants?) during the Tang dynasty 618-907 A.D..

      • Almost forgot to mention my most favorite Chinese invention, ice cream. created by the imperial cooks it was a dish exclusively served in the Emperors banquet s in the Forbidden City.. Tang Dynasty 618-907 A.D.

  18. Anna Maria DE LECAROS says:

    Wish to add some more Chinese inventions1. The Fan: to ventilate,
    2) Tests to measure the IQ,
    3) tridimensional puzzle.
    4) tridimensional constructions: I read that the Emperor “X” decided to go hunting.
    His men had to prepare an Accomodation suitable for him.
    His architects created a palace made in wood pieces to be build before his arrival and to be dismantled and put away.
    5) National census: in order to know the men eligible for war.
    6) Registry of travellers staying in a Hostal. Actual Hotel Registry.
    7) Five story rowing boats.
    8) Trapeziums shape sail.
    9) Paper lantern.
    10) Mineral charcoal
    11) Toilet paper: this small perfumed pieces of paper were made for the Emperor’s Court.
    12) Astronomy used by the Chinese sailors.
    13) Astrology “for the superstitions” haha.
    14) philosophy

    I know there are far more but I am quite busy right know, Sorry.

    I am a Peruvian loyal admirer of the Chinese culture.

  19. deadlyjax says:

    However, early forms of the toothbrush have been in existence since 3000 BC. Ancient civilizations used a “chew stick,” which was a thin twig with a frayed end. These ‘chew sticks’ were rubbed against the teeth. The bristle toothbrush, similar to the type used today, was not invented until 1498 in China.

  20. tiana Kessanis says:

    yeah cant believe they invented the toothbrush how dare they.

  21. maddie says:

    i cant belive they invented the toothbrush >_<

  22. notretarded says:

    stop calling each other retarded if you don’t know something look it up instead of correcting each other

  23. HASALIFE says:

    Why do people spend time writing comments when they could live their life.

  24. pickletickler says:

    Some of you all are to sensitive, they are joking and not actually thinking that China is in North America, it’s called sarcasm.

  25. smart one says:

    this proves in the comments how racist people can be and how ignorant others are. these are inventions from then. GET IT RIGHT!!!

  26. max says:

    is chines close to Japaneses? if is i love china now

  27. Oferss says:

    your retarded because US was made in 1776 A.D and they were made somewhere in 1500 B.C

  28. Someone says:

    This is not fake. I live in the usa calfornia and this is not fake. If someone says that this is fake they are not going to be good in life and they are fake.

  29. Dill Pickles says:

    You’re all retarded obviously us american’s made all of these inventions because we american’s rank above all others.

  30. Ye says:

    I love to play chess

  31. Philly says:

    I’m almost positive karate kid was filmed in china town chi wi Yang Chang

  32. Jake says:

    The bristle toothbrush was invented in 1498 by Chinese who made toothbrushes with coarse horse hairs attached to bone or bamboo handles. It was later brought to the new world by Europeans.

  33. AsianSlave69 says:

    As an asian, I’m the clear intellectual in this comment section. Everything was ACTUALLY made in the japanese rice fields.

  34. some of this stuff is right
    but a little bit is wrong
    like the paper money

  35. kayleb says:

    what about the yo yo? >:(

  36. Brian Everitt says:

    I also read somewhere that china invented the maybe they invented the wheel as well !!

  37. Luke buxton says:

    Is China in Australia bc everything is in Australia savage sundays

  38. scholaroooooooooo279 says:

    the Chinese also invented the yo-yo and a few musical instruments.
    this website helped me with my social studies project and is quite interesting.

  39. solo says:

    In this china it was 35000 years ago

  40. smartass_2.0 says:

    it should be “have pretty bad grammar” not “had pretty bad grammar”

  41. christy says:

    The chinese invented nail polish

  42. kimjongill says:

    I’m really sure kung fu was invented in china…in kung fu panda it says so. also, the dragon warrior was a real thing. The dragon warrior had the biggest nipples and therefore was awesome. everyone knows this is how europeans brought back nipples to italy and then made nipples for all people to enjoy. who doesnt like nipples and soup.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Noticed a mistake in the paper section, you spelt “paeper” instead of paper. Just thought you’d like to know.

  44. sausage copter says:

    this helped me with my history assignment

  45. moi says:

    china invested ass licking, basket weaving, vaginal sewing, lawn bowling,, fecal fight night…

  46. Zink says:

    Dinomight wepons cool right

  47. Abraham Lincoln says:

    I am pretty sure that the Chinese invented the horse.

  48. My great ancestors also invented corruptions. Now I still practice and make good rebates.

  49. Randy says:

    this is a great and the best source that can help me about ancient china.:)

  50. Harliegh says:

    Thanks! I love this website. It helped me on my school presentation.

  51. Peter says:

    Your are welcome, you can learn many interesting facts about China by browsing my many other posts. Thanks

  52. I read the comments and i saw that it said Sorry, but a lot of this information is incorrect. The Mechanical Clock(, Toothbrush, Paper Money, and Alcohol were all first made in Europe or Arabian Peninsula, not China.And i was just wandering do they make the items at china at all

  53. Jessica says:

    does some one know where the earthquake detector was invented

  54. S says:

    Gunpowder was accidentally found in the Zhou dynasty while looking for an elixir to become immortal

  55. g says:

    can someone just post a list of invention of the song dynast? :/

  56. Camy says:

    You forgot the period.

  57. K says:

    This helped me with studying for my Social Studies test on achievements of Ancient China! Thanks!!!

  58. Tim says:

    There is a book on the history of guns that came out relatively recently, that traces their development from the invention of gunpowder and cannons in China. Gunpowder and possibly hand cannons were brought over to the West via trade routes through the Middle East. The writer seems to think that the Chinese had not yet used gunpowder for weapons when it came over to Europe. But it seems more plausible that traders who took the trouble to bring gunpowder to the Middle East and Europe did so because its use for weaponry had already been established.

    • Rob says:

      Here in 2021. That is correct. Guns, cannons & even crossbows, were first invented in ancient China. It would make sense that the people who invented gunpowder/blackpowder would eventually figure out that it would make good as ammunition, thus China made the first prototype guns, i.e. the hand gonne & fire lances, etc. There would be no such concept as the rifle, shotgun, pistols, Vulcan cannons today. Smith & Wesson, Colt, all these gun manufacturers wouldn’t have existed either if it wasn’t for the Chinese alchemists who discovered explosive powder nearly 2000 years ago.

  59. Tim says:

    Actually, the Chinese did use gunpowder for weaponry. They cast cannons and later developed the ‘hand cannon’, a basic kind of gun.

    • JC says:

      I actually have a real period Ming Dynasty miniature canon. These were invented and used to defeat the Mongol invasion in northern China during the Ming Dynasty.

  60. Adem says:

    Lol im doing one too, we hav three topics to choose from, religious beliefs of China, Inventions of China or Ancient Chinese construction.

  61. schoolkid says:

    Thanks! It also helped me with my History assignment on Ancient China.

  62. rosedew says:

    Bomb’s invention could be related to the gunpowder one. As after discovering gunpowder, China used fire bomb / thunder-crash bombs in a battle in 1231.

  63. Skyller says:

    Is this info actually accurate,or am I wrong because my school text book says thatThe compass was made during the Zhou dynasty, and some other stuff I found on other sites

  64. patrick anuka pahalage says:

    it’s really gonna help my school project so much and it has a lot of information THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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