Top 10 Popular Chinese KTV Songs

Picking the perfect Chinese karaoke (KTV) songs can be a tough job for foreigners or expats in China. The songs have to be popular enough so people can sing along with you. And here is my picks of the 10 the most popular KTV songs you may like , each song is available with both Chinese lyrics and English translations.

1. 《朋友》 Friends  –  周华建 Wakin Chau

这些年 All these years
一个人 All alone
风也过 Through wind
雨也走 Through rain
有过泪 With tears shed
有过错 Mistakes made
还记得坚持什么 I still remember what to hold on to.
真爱过 Because I truly loved
才会懂 I can understand
会寂寞 I can feel lonely
会回首 I can look back
终有梦 I had dreams
终有你 I had you
在心中 In my heart
朋友一生一起走 Friend,we walk together always,
那些日子不再有 And those days will never come again.
一句话 A sentence
一辈子 A lifetime
一生情 Eternal love
一杯酒 A cup of wine
朋友不曾孤单过 Friend,you`ve never been lonely
一声朋友你会懂 Friend,you`ll understand
还有伤 I`ve wounds
还有痛 I`ve pains
还要走 But I will go on
还有我 And I`ll always be there

2. 《隐形的翅膀》 Invisible Wings – 张韶涵 Angela Chang

我一直尝试着让自己坚强 Here I’m always trying to be strong
当我受伤时我也绝不流泪 When I’m hurt I won’t shed a tear
我用歌声代替泪水 I’d rather sing a song
唱出隐形的翅膀 I will sing of a pair of invisible wings
带走所有的惧怕 That will take all my fears away
我不去羡慕别人有什么 I won’t think about what others have that I don’t
因为我要创造自己的价值 Coz’ I see that I desire to make this path my own
我会戴上一双隐形的翅膀 I’ll put on a pair of invisible wings
它会带我飞得越来越高 And it will take my to higher heights
我将要飞翔,飞向我的梦想 I’ll take flight and there I see my dreams
它们就在前方 They lay ahead
我不会害怕 (And) No will I be afraid
闭上双眼 Close my eyes
我可以感觉到我的翅膀在飞翔 And I can feel the winds beneath my wings
有个声音陪伴着我度过一切困难 It is the voice that will carry me through
我希望我可以找到自己,在一个更美好的地方 I have hope that I will find myself, in a better place
你我将携手同行 You and I will take this journey walking hand in hand
我知道我有一双隐形的翅膀 And I know I have a pair of invisible wings
带我飞过绝望 To guide me through this race
我的梦想会永不磨灭 All my hopes and dreams shall be everlasting
我将和隐形的翅膀一起飞翔 As I take flight on invisible wings

3. 《后来》 Afterward  – 刘若英 René Liu

后来 我总算学会了如何去爱 Afterward, I have learnt how to love finally
可惜你 早已远去 消失在人海 But regretfully, you have gone long ago, disappearing in the crowd.
后来 终于在眼泪中明白 Afterward, having wiped away tons of tears I finally realized
有些人 一旦错过就不在 Some person, if you have missed him, is gone forever.
桅子花 白花瓣 落在我蓝色百褶裙上 The white petals of gardenias drifted down onto my blue pleated skirt.
「爱你」你轻声说 And you gently said, “Love you”.
我低下头 闻见一阵芬芳 Looking down, I smelled a fresh fragrance.
那个永恒的夜晚 十七岁仲夏 你吻我的那个夜晚 The eternal night of the midsummer when I was seventeen, the night you kissed me,
让我往后的时光 每当有感叹 Since when sadness haunts me.
总想起当天的星光 Always make me think of the stars of that nigh
那时候的爱情 为什么就能那样简单 The love at that time, why was it so simple
而又是为什么 人年少时 But why, when young,
一定要让深爱的人受伤 People certainly hurt their loved.
在这相似的深夜里 你是否一样也在静静追悔感伤 In this similar night, are you feeling the regret and sadness like me.
如果当时我们能不那么倔强 If we had not been that stubborn
现在也不那么遗憾 We would not be so regretful now
你都如何回忆我带着笑或是很沉默 How do you think about me, with smile or in complete silence
这些年来 有没有人能让你不寂寞 During these years, is there anyone who can stay you away from the loneness
后来 我总算学会了如何去爱 Afterward, I have learnt how to love finally
可惜你 早已远去 消失在人海 But regretfully, you have gone long ago, disappearing in the crowd
后来 终于在眼泪中明白 Afterward, having wiped away tons of tears I finally realized
有些人 一旦错过就不在 Some person, if you have missed him, is gone forever.
你都如何回忆我带着笑或是很沉默 How do you think about me, with smile or in complete silence?
这些年来 有没有人能让你不寂寞 During these years, is there anyone who can stay you away from the loneness.
后来 我总算学会了如何去爱 Afterward, I have learnt how to love finally
可惜你 早已远去 消失在人海 But regretfully, you have gone long ago, disappearing in the crowd
后来 终于在眼泪中明白 Afterward, having wiped away tons of tears I finally realized
有些人 一旦错过就不在 Some person, if you have missed him, is gone forever.=
后来 我总算学会了如何去爱 Afterward, I have learnt how to love finally
可惜你 早已远去 消失在人海 But regretfully, you have gone long ago, disappearing in the crowd
后来 终于在眼泪中明白 Afterward, having wiped away tons of tears I finally realized
有些人 一旦错过就不在 Some person, if you have missed him, is gone forever
永远不会再重来 Will never come back
有一个男孩爱着那个女孩 There is a boy loving a girl

4. 《练习》 Practice  – 刘德华 Andy Lau

如果留下多一秒钟 If only one more second remained
可以减少明天想你的痛 It would lessen tomorrow’s pain of missing you
我会愿意放下所有 I’d be willing to let go of everything
交换任何一丝丝可能的占有 In exchange for the existance of any little bit of possibliity
幸福只剩一杯沙漏 Only a cup of dripping sand is left of happiness
眼睁睁看着一幕幕甜蜜 Eyes wide open, watching each act of sweetness
不会再有原来平凡无奇的拥有 I’ll never have that original commonplace possession again
到现在竟像是无助的奢求 Until now, it seemed like an helpless extravagant demand
我已开始练习 I’ve already begun to practice
开始慢慢着急 Begun to slowly worry
着急这世界没有你 Worry that this world doesn’t have you
已经和眼泪说好不哭泣 I’ve already told my tears not to cry any longer
但倒数计时的爱该怎么继续 But how should a love that is ending continue
我天天练习 I practice daily
天天都会熟悉 Becoming familiar daily
在没有你的城市里 With this city that doesn’t have you
试着删除每个两人世界里 Trying to delete everything in this “two person world”
那些曾经共同拥有的一切美好和回忆 All the beauty and memories we once mutually possessed
爱是一万公顷的森林 Love is a 10,000 hectare forest
迷了路的却是我和你 But you and I have lost our way
不是说好一起闯出去 Didn’t we agree to force our way out together
怎能剩我一人回去 How can I be the only one left to return, to return

5. 《死了都要爱》 Love Beyond Death – 信乐团 Shin Band

把每天当成是末日来相爱 Take each day as the armageddon to love
一分一秒都美到泪水掉下来 Every minute every second is so beautiful that tears fall
不理会别人是看好或看坏 Do not care how others think
只要你勇敢跟我来 Follow me if you are brave
爱不用刻意安排 Love does not need an arrangement
凭感觉去亲吻相拥就会很愉快 Sensing the kisses makes embraces pleasurable
享受现在别一开怀就怕受伤害 Enjoy the moment don’t be afraid to open up
许多奇迹我们相信才会存在 We believe in the existence of miracles
死了都要爱 Love beyond death
不淋漓尽致不痛快 Not wail unless thorough
感情多深只有这样才足够表白 Feelings are strong it’s the only way to unburden
死了都要爱 Love beyond death
不哭到微笑不痛快 Not wail unless weep till smile
宇宙毁灭心还在 Universe is destroyed heart is still
穷途末路都要爱 Love beyond the dead end
不极度浪漫不痛快 Not wail unless ulmost romantic
发会雪白土会掩埋 Hair turns snowwhite soil will bury
思念不腐坏  Thoughts do not mortify
到绝路都要爱 Love beyond end of the road
不天荒地老不痛快 Not wail unless heaven desolates and earth ages
不怕热爱变火海  Not afraid of passion turns into sea of fire
爱到沸腾才精采 Magnificent when love seethes

6. 《听海》  Listen to The Ocean – 张惠妹 A-Mei

写信告诉我 今天海是什么颜色 Wrote me a letter to tell me what is today color of ocean
夜夜陪着你的海 心情又如何 Evey night the ocean has been beside you, how is your feeling ?
灰色是不想说 蓝色是忧郁 Gray represent don’t want talk about it, blue means sad
而漂泊的你 狂浪的心 停在哪里 But you’ve been drift aimlessly with madness heart where you moor at ?
写信告诉我今夜 你想要梦什么 Wrote me a letter tell me what you want to dream tonight.
梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择 Neither in the dream or not, I don’t let you have any choice
我揪着一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛 I clenth my heart , couldn’t close my eyes while night
为何你明明动了情 却不敢靠近 Why you felt attraction but affrid to getting close ?
听 海哭的声音 叹惜着谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒 Listen. Crying from the ocean, which is weeping who has been heart-broken but refuse to face reality.
一定不是我 至少我很冷静 It won’t be me, at least I have been calmed
可是泪水 就连泪水也都不相信 But even my tear is disbelieving
听 海哭的声音 这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明 Listen. Crying fron the ocean, Why this ocean is too sentimental and weep until dawn
写封信给我 就当最后约定 Write me a letter, let it be the final promise
说你在离开我的时候 是怎样的心情 Tell me when you left me, how was your feeling.

7. 《广岛之恋》 24 Hour Affair –  张洪量&莫文蔚 Zhang Wenliang & Karen Mok

你早就该拒绝我 You should refuse me early
不该放任我的追求 Shouldn\’t not interfere my pursuit
给我渴望的故事 Give to me the story that wishes eagerly
留下丢不掉的名字 Leave the name that can not be lost
时间难倒回 Time is it answer to baffle
空间易破碎 The space is easy to be broken
二十四小时的爱情是我一生难忘的美丽回忆 The love of 24 hours is my unforgettable beautiful lifetime remembrance
越过道德的边境 Cross the ethical border
我们走过爱的禁区 We pass by the forbidden zone loved
享受幸福的错觉 Enjoy the happy illusion
误解了快乐的意义 Have misunderstood the happy meaning
是谁太勇敢 It is who is too brave
说喜欢离别 Say that likes parting
只要今天不要明天眼睁睁看着爱从指缝中溜走 还说再见 So long as mustn’t helplessly slip away looking at the love while sewing from pointing tomorrow today Also say goodbye
不够时间好好来爱你 Enough time loves you carefully
早该停止风流的游戏 Will stop the distinguished and admirable game early
愿被你拋弃 Wish to be abandoned by you
就算了解而分离 Even if understand but separate Unwilling love
不愿爱的没有答案结局 No answer final result
不够时间好好来恨你 Enough time comes to hate you carefully
终于明白恨人不容易 Hated people for being easy clearly at last
爱恨消失前 Before the love hates disappearing
用手温暖我的脸 Prove I once loved you wholeheartedly for me
为我证明我曾真心爱过你 Make my face warm with hands
爱过你 爱过你 爱过你 爱过你 Love you Love you Love you Love you

8. 《勇气》Courage  – 梁静茹 Fish Leong

终于作了这个决定 Finally I make this decision
别人怎么说我不理 Not caring whatever people say
只要你也一样的肯定 As long as you are determined like me
我愿意天涯海角都随你去 I am willing to go with you wherever
我知道一切不容易 I know everything isn’t easy
我的心一直温习说服自己 But my heart has been practicing convincing myself all the time
最怕你忽然说要放弃 Most afraid of your giving up
爱真的需要勇气 Really we need courage in love
来面对流言蜚语 To face gossip
只要你一个眼神肯定 As long as you give me a determined look
我的爱就有意义 My love signifies
我们都需要勇气 We all need courage
去相信会在一起 To believe we’ll be together
人潮拥挤我能感觉你 In the moving crowd I can feel
放在我手心里你的真心 Your sincere heart in my hand
终于作了这个决定 Finally I make this decision
别人怎么说我不理 Not caring whatever people say
只要你也一样的肯定 As long as you are determined like me
我愿意天涯海角都随你去 I am willing to go with you wherever
我知道一切不容易 I know everything isn’t easy
我的心一直温习说服自己 But my heart has been practicing convincing myself all the time
最怕你忽然说要放弃 Most afraid of your giving up
爱真的需要勇气 Really we need courage in love
来面对流言蜚语 To face gossip
只要你一个眼神肯定 As long as you give me a determined look
我的爱就有意义 My love signifies.
我们都需要勇气 We all need courage
去相信会在一起 To believe we’ll be together.
人潮拥挤我能感觉你 In the moving crowd I can feel
放在我手心里你的真心 Your sincere heart in my hand
如果我的坚强任性 会不小心伤害了你  If my being strong and willful may hurt you by accident,
你能不能温柔提醒 Would you kindly remind me
我虽然心太急 Thought being too anxious
更害怕错过你 I am more afraid of missing you
爱真的需要勇气 Really we need courage in love
来面对流言蜚语 To face gossip
只要你一个眼神肯定 As long as you give me a determined look
我的爱就有意义 My love signifies.
我们都需要勇气 We all need courage
去相信会在一起 To believe we’ll be together.
人潮拥挤我能感觉你 In the moving crowd I can feel
放在我手心里你的真心 Your sincere heart in my hand

9. Ten Years 《十年》 – 陈奕迅 Eason Chan Yik-Shun

如果那两个字没有颤抖  If the word comes out without trembling
我不会发现我难受  I won’t find this moment heart-breaking
怎么说出口也不过是分手 No matter from where we starting Here comes our parting
如果对于明天没有要求  If we don’t have any requisition
牵牵手就像旅游  This relation can be treated as recreation
成千上万个门口总有一个人要先走  You choose a destination You get a separation Either of us shall first go away
怀抱既然不能逗留 The embrace is not the right place to stay
何不在离开的时候  This moment is grey
一边享受一边泪流   Yet there’s still future for pray
十年之前  If we hadn’t share this decade together
我不认识你你不属于我  With you I were not familiar, You belong not to me either
我们还是一样陪在一个陌生人左右  We share the same city air Yet with each other’s wronger
走过渐渐熟悉的街头  Meeting everyday at the same corner
十年之后  Ten years have passed peacefully
我们是朋友还可以问候  We remain friends fortunately Greeting can be given commonly
只是那种温柔再也找不到拥抱的理由  But we do not hug intimately  Affection ran out gradually
情人最后难免沦为朋友 Lovers turn to friends unavoidably
直到和你做了多年朋友 For the rest life you are my friend
才明白我的眼泪 Not until then did I understand
不是为你而流也为别人而流 In this world only a few stories are not sad That’s why so many tears I’ve shed

10. 《菊花台》 Ju Hua Tai – 周杰伦 Jay Chow

你的泪光 柔弱中带伤 Your tears… glisten,laced with pain.
惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往 The crescent moon hangs in the past… pale with sickness.
夜太漫长 凝结成了霜 Cool night, too long… turns to frost.
是谁在阁楼上 冰冷的绝望 Who is on the tower… frozen in despair?
雨轻轻弹 朱红色的窗 The rain drums lightly… on a crimson pane.
我一生在纸上 被风吹乱 My destiny is written on paper… fluttering in the wind.
梦在远方 化成一缕香 Distant dreams… rise like incense.
随风飘散 你的模样 Melting into night is… your image.
菊花残 满地伤 Chrysanthemums fall… weeping to the ground.
你的笑容已泛黄 Traces of your smile on a yellowing scroll…
花落人断肠 我心事 静静淌 Your heart now empty. My thoughts quietly rest…
北风乱 夜未央 The north wind blows. Not yet dawn…
你的影子剪不断 Your shadow, clear and close.
徒留我孤单 在湖面成双 Only companion of my soul… on the lake, a couple mirrored.
花 已向晚 飘落了灿烂 Blossoms of evening air… beauty undimmed…
凋谢的世道上 命运不堪 Scatter everywhere. A fate hard to swallow.
愁莫渡江 秋心拆两半 Sadness, do not cross the river… your autumn heart will sink.
怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃 Drowning in longing… you will not reach the other shore.
谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱 Whose hills and rivers… echo with the clamor of hooves?
我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑 My armor is shredded… by the dividing hour.
天微微亮 你轻声地叹 The sky slowly brightens. Your sighs, silk soft…
一夜惆怅 如此委婉 Weave a night of sorrow. So fragile, so spare.
菊花残 满地伤 Chrysanthemums fall… weeping to the ground.
你的笑容已泛黄 Traces of your smile on a yellowing scroll…
花落人断肠 我心事 静静淌 Your heart now empty. My thoughts quietly rest…
北风乱 夜未央 The north wind blows. Almost dawn…
你的影子剪不断 Your shadow, clear and close.
徒留我孤单 在湖面成双 Only companion of my soul… on the lake, a couple reflected.
菊花残 满地伤 Chrysanthemums sigh… in the cool night air .
你的笑容已泛黄 Traces of your smile in yellowing despair…
花落人断肠 我心事 静静淌 Your heart now empty. My thoughts quietly rest…
北风乱 夜未央 The north wind blows. Almost dawn…
你的影子剪不断 Your shadow, clear and close.
徒留我孤单 在湖面成双 The only companion of my soul… on the lake,the two of us…

Do you know other popular Chinese Karaoke Songs? Please share it below in the comment sections.

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