Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Foods in United States

Chinese foods are delicious and cost-effective in United States, the below is the top 10 most popular Chinese foods in United States list with foods images. Check here if you are looking for Authentic Chinese food recipes.

1.Sweet and Sour Pork

sweet sour porkYou can order this in almost any Chinese restaurant and buffet, but in the United States the spareribs is boneless and pre-cooked.

2. Kung Pao Chicken

Kung Pao ChickenKung Pao Chicken is a classic Sichuan cuisine, this food gets a lot of Chinese fans in Mainland China.
3. Spring Roll

spring rolls china dishSpring roll is an authentic Chinese food, this food is much more in USA than Mainland China, because there are so many buffets and take-out restaurants in United States.

4. Fried Rice with Egg

Egg-fried RiceFried rice with egg, shrimp or vegetables is my favorite fried rice, the tip for cooking good fried rice is add little sugar and soy sauce.

5. Ma Po Tofu

Mapo DoufuMa Po Tofu is another Sichuan food, you could buy Ma Po Tofu sauce from Chinese supermarket, boiled Tofu first then cook the sauce and add boiled Tofu, follow those steps you can make delicious Ma Po Tofu.

6. Chinese Meat Dumpling

Chinese DumplingsDumpling is one of my favorite Chinese foods,especially shrimp and chive dumpling stuff, but it is too difficult to make for the beginner, but dumpling is very normal in United States, you can buy it from any Chinese restaurant.

7. Wonton

won ton soup
Wonton is well known in United States because the Wonton Soup, this soup normally comes with fried rice or combo. Actually Wonton is usually eaten at breakfast.

8. Roast Duck

Crispy-skinned Roast GooseRoast Duck in United States is famous in Cantonese restaurant, it’s about $7 for half one, the Cantonese call Roast Duck as 烧腊.

9. Chow Mein

Chow MeinChow Mein is a kind of fast food in mainland China, but in United States it gets much more popular and serve as lunch and dinner.

10. Fried Shrimps with Cashew Nuts

Fried Shrimps and CashewOk, to be honest, this one is not my taste, but looks delicious; the price is a little bit higher than others, because of the cashew nuts.

This is a guest contribution from Amy Yan.

2 Responses

  1. Luke Smith says:

    I like that you talked about how Chinese foods are delicious and cost-effective in the United States. My friend is going to visit us next week and I remember he loves Chinese food. I also like Chinese food a bit, so I should probably bring my friend to a Mandarin Chinese restaurant later.

  2. Thanks for listing the popular Chinese dishes that I must try. Apparently, I’m planning to take the family out for a treat at a Chinese restaurant. Upon looking through the options, I can’t help but be enticed with the chow mein, as someone who is a veggie lover. I never knew that this dish is served as fast food in mainland China, but in the United States, it is usually served for lunch or dinner. With that considered, I can’t wait to try it out!

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