Become a Contributor

Write For Us

ChinaWhisper was built on the efforts of readers just like you. Readers who have an interest in writing about facts of China & its people and decided to put a list together and send it in. We are keen to host original works of quality from contributors.

Your list will be read by us and reviewed, and if it’s the sort of thing our readers will love, we will publish it on our front page of ChinaWhisper to be read by hundreds of thousands of people a month!

Post Guidelines:

♦ Any topic related to China such as Chinese people, culture, history, travel and life.
♦ The article needs to be in form of a list (5 items per list minimum).
♦ More than 600 words.
♦ Proofread your post and fix up any spelling/grammar errors.
♦ Must be original content without being published anywhere else
♦ Contain at least one photo that relates to your post ( give credit and source for the image).
♦ Links within the body are allowed but must be related.
♦ Offer author bio at the bottom and one link to your own site is allowed.
♦ We do not post info-graphics, slideshows, or “re-blogged” content.

What Do You Get?

If you submit an article for publishing on this site, you will get an author page with a bio and a link to your website/blog.

Contributing content to China Whisper can greatly benefit you by providing more exposure for your name, site and your business, which will of course result in more traffic, readers and popularity.

Contact Us

If you would like to become a contributor and submit a guest post, shoot us an email at (Please change # to @ when you send email)

I look forward to hearing from you!

24 Responses

  1. JHON JIE says:

    hi , i am chinese Indonesia , i am looking partner to do traveling bussines , specially area East Java (Bromo volcano mount trip) , BALI(first destination) , Lombok , Gili island and Pink beach Lombok

  2. Sarah says:

    Hi Peter!
    I emailed you to but have got no reply. I am hoping to be a contributor to your website and write some useful articles for the Travel part.

    I am Chinese. I have been travelling a lot and been to lots of places all over China in the past 10 years. I’d like to share my experiences and useful tips which will be good for your readership as well. And I can guarantee all photos I use in my articles are mine.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards,

  3. Irina says:

    Hello Peter!
    I have tried to send you an email, but it failed.
    i would like to become a contributor to your website.
    My company provides interpreting services in any city in China and translation services. Thats why we are very interested in cooperation with your platform.
    Can you please help me to become a contributor.
    Thank you in advance!

  4. Eva says:

    Hi, I’ve just sent you an email, but just to be sure: I’m Italian, with a multicultural family and I’ve been living here in China for 10 years, I’ve worked in Education and Management mainly but have lots of other interests and activities, I just got married legally to my Hebei husband who actually works in Africa with lots of other Chinese, so if you want any insights on the modern Chinese “gold”-rush in the African Continent I can easily provide them. I hope I’ll be able to contribute to your website. Cheers!

    • Peter says:

      Hi Eva, I can accept a article contribution about Chinese gold rush in the Africa. But you need to make it in the form a of list like “The 10 Chinese Things…”. I will be pleased to accept an article like that.

  5. Brad says:

    Hello Peter,

    Apparently, I can’t get in touch with you, the mail keeps returning with a failure notice. I would love to contribute to your site. 🙂

  6. Sue says:

    I am a Chinese student from Shanghai Jiaotong University. I want to share some tips for international friends to living in China.Thank you!

  7. Will says:

    I’m Will from the Dragon Mountain Martial Arts Academy. I really like a share something about Chinese Kung Fu. Would that be okay?

  8. Erica Lin- Lang Wang says:

    I am an asian women with 5 children living in San Juan currently dating a transgender white male (female) were thinking of trying for a 6th child and want to know what everyone thinks! Let me know Thanks<333

  9. Charles says:

    I am Charles with Atlas-China. We help foreigners seeking job opportunities in China. Can we share here their success stories as well as challenges they face in the Chinese workplace?

  10. Sue Li says:

    Hi, I am a Chinese American girl, wondering abou

  11. ShanghaiFocus says:

    I am a travel guide at Shanghai Focus and i am good at English. I want to share some travel tips and experience in China on this platform. Thank you!

  12. Sue Ming says:

    I am a Chinese women living in Shanghai and I study the relationship between Chinese women and White men and want to share my experience and knowledge of the subject. Thank you!

    • Peter says:

      I am pleased to accept guest articles from you and please shoot me an email about what you would like to write.

      Peter Wang

    • Peter says:

      Of course, I am happy to accept your articles about your experience and knowledge about China.

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